Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Last Night

Last Night I was still tired from the Steven Curtis Chapman concert that took place on Sunday Night. Old age is catching up with me faster than I want it too. So yesterday I did fine eating but when I got home I did great at first and it was later in the night because I had bible study with Tom.

So I started eating good stuff that Becky had made around 6:00pm and after that it went downhill fast. Becky started mowing and then I finished what was left which wasn't much. I did spend some good quality time with Caylin but it can be a lot better than that. I had candy corn, M&M's, and the cookies Caylin and Becky had made.

Ok there was maybe 28 cookies now there is 12. I am bad... very bad. I want to look at the scale and see how bad I did but that won't help me that will only make things worse. So here we go again, I was focused more on food than what God would want me to do. There are so many starving people out there and I come home and eat a weeks worth of food very selfish and not very Loving toward Caylin and Becky cause now there isn't very much left.

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